Friday, January 16, 2015

Now that I have the time...

Maybe I could write a book.  It could be a children's book about a grandma who knits.

  There are "Phoebe's Sweater" and "Freddies Blanket" and "Shall I Knit You a Hat?"-- all whimsical stories about child-like animals who recieve knitted things--with knitting patterns at the end of the book.  I would have to find a great illustrator, as the illustrations are very important in a childs book.  And there would have to be a moral to the story, as there always is one.

I would also have to come up with a simple knitting pattern for the end of the book.  And a story line related to the knitted item... And make the whimsical child-like animals adorable squirrels....with interesting names.

And all this sounds like work....which means that I should probably think about that......

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