Wednesday, December 20, 2006

White Elephants

I love white elephant gift exchanges...mostly because I always seem to have a steady supply of white elephant gifts to select from. I don't want to brag--but my white elephants are funny, and often fought over --but are definately white elephants!

Alas, this may have been the last year for the white elephant at the office. Lest I break the "dooce"rule, I cannot describe the gory details of how the people I work with cannot play nicely with others, but it is sufficient to say, some (mostly one) have ruined the fun for everyone else--three years in a row now. So I get the feeling that next year, we will not have an exchange.

Sad, as over the years I have divested myself of a bell ringing battery operated santa (who has been back to the event four times now!), a black lacy teddy paired with a feather boa (which my co-worker modeled in the side room of a buffet resturant at our party!), a bustiea purse paired with a tee-shirt proclaiming that it is not easy to be a princess, a cymbyl playing gorilla, and a 2 volume book set of why men are the way they are! I enjoyed passing along these treasures to another to enjoy (don't even start with where I get this stuff!)

To my delight (another opportunity to divest) my Wed. knitters decided to exchange elephants at the annual Xmas party! I took a ceramic pig bank that was cute, wearing a Tu-Tu, and had a crown. It was the only gift stolen during the exchange!! There were candles in the shapes of cupcakes--set of four. A reindeer trivet, 2 pair of (new) gloves--the cheep kind that one never looses-still with tags attached, 2 chia pets--donkey and black elephant--different gifts, a jig-saw puzzle, trivial pursuit game, a snowman candy jar, a snowman mug, an emergency radio that you had to crank (this approached the white elephant-ness of my pig) an uncle Sam candle holder (kinda cute). The hostess observed that this group didn't seem to "get" white elephant. Others noted that it was a trash/treasure thing. Maybe this is the problem with an upscale neighborhood? Treasury trash?

Anyway, the pressure is off to come up with a good white elephant for next year. I have one--already wrapped, so can bide my time. Till then, will laugh knowing that people actually wanted the pig and the purse they took home this year!!

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