Sunday, June 04, 2006

Furniture Agnst!

4 admitted that she has furniture agnst. That uncertainty between "oh joy, I bought a house"and "wow,this is perfect". She does not know where the sofa will go. Never mind that she has lived in three apartments and it has always worked out. Must be because this is more permanent....It matters more.

1 has relationship agnst. The uncertainty between the first meeting and sifting through all the meetings to find the right kind to keep. She does not know where she is going to find the keeper....And it also matters more.

I have no agnst. The flowers are planted (sort of), the laundry is not done (who cares, it can wait), and I have the sheet cake for work tomorrow---bringing me full circle to the second blog entry of last year...I have no agnst about seeing the foot Dr. again about my plantar facia, no angst about the big project I have at work, as it is currently going well ahead of schedule, and no agnst about anything, except maybe not taking enough time to knit this weekend.

If you average the agnst, it probably works out to be manageable...Probably doesn't seem like it to 1 and 4. Hopefully next year when it is my turn for the birthday cake at work again, their problems will be worked out.

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