Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rocks, Elk, Slides, etc. On the Oregon Trail

We decided to go to the "beach". It required a two hour ride through the rainy wine country, and then arrival in a typical shore town, resplendent with wind sock sellers and taffy vendors. It was hard to see the beach for all the resorts and condos.

We drove up 101 to Tillamock--taking the scenic route whenever available. Oregon has beautiful beaches. (Note, the tour guide warns anyone entering the water to beware of logs--honest! I could see why!). In Tillamok we visited the cheese factory and had some really good ice cream. Then we took the drive back through the mountains--absolutely beautiful, but full of dire warnings of Elk! Slides! Rocks! Snow! Fortunately, it was an uneventful day for our drive through. Except for a little one lane bridge construction, we just enjoyed the forest.

The moss is notable. They get 90 inches of rain a year. The moss is everywhere!! I have seen whole buildings taken over with mossiness!!! Very strange looking.

Oregon is beautiful. Am amazed that not more people live here. I suppose if that happens, it won't be so beautiful.

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