Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Back from the Oregon Trail

It was beautiful. It was nice to see something new. It was wonderful to be in a place where fibers and fabrics and things related are appreciated, and apparently are big business. I visited three yarn shops!! The first, the Yarn Garden was wonderful. A very nice selection, and nice but not pushy people. I bought stuff I didn't need, but wanted at a reasonable price from a great selection.

The next one was in the "Pearl District". Definitely uptown. Really nice yarn, but pricey (of course what would you expect really nice yarn to cost?) It was a cute shop with an enthusiastic keeper, who sensed immediately that 1) I knew something about knitting and 2) I was a bargain hunter. She left me alone, and worked on more impressionable customers buying $20.00 balls of exquisite wool so they could teach their ten year olds to knit.

I found the bargain bins in the basement. 40%off. Bought another thing I did not need, but wanted, and it was "reduced". Hand dyed, and in my colors!

Third store was the snootiest store. They would (for a price) knit up their pricey yarn for you. She was not interested in knitters (except maybe for slave labor). Interesting--seems you can make a living selling very expensive yarn to the clueless if you have some slave knitters tucked away.

I returned with new additions to my stash. Also visited a needlepoint store, a button store and a very nice fabric store, but bought only a pattern for a jacket. Portland, you are still a wonderland for the home ecers among us (as long as we have enough cash!)

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