Friday, March 03, 2006

Chip and Dale

The chipmunks have decided to invade my house! Apparently the Chipmunk massacre of 2005 (see prior post) was not the fault of a careless husband, as they have appeared again in the water treatment area. I am not sure how one gets rid of chipmunks in ones well room.....Must look for "rat traps", I believe. I saw some sticky traps today, but they did not look like they would slow them down enough.

Cannot let the cat get them. Think that is what has made him sick. You never know were they have been!! They are currently being deterred by a few cases of Molson's blocking the space under the door --hope it works. Thank goodness for empty beer bottles and warm weather.

The house has its own set of noises, some of which are strange. But the first indication was a "new" noise in the mud room. Haven't heard it lately. Maybe it is nice enough to stay outside. Will keep you posted, as I am sure it will not be this easy to eradicate the pests!

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