Saturday, January 28, 2006

What do you do with all those socks?

I have a friend, K., who just moved into one of those senior "independent living" apartments--which is where she needs to be. Because she has been on my mind since her husband died, I check on her once in awhile. In our phone chat the other day, the subject of my sock knitting came up....And she relayed the info about a mutual acquaintance who knits socks for charity out of yarn from K-mart.

I assured her that I was neither a K-mart shopper, nor a contributor of lovingly hand knit socks to the Salvation Army! I explained that I search for exquisite yarns from Italy, Germany, etc. in fun colors. She asks" What do you do with all those socks?"

K. is not a knitter---if she were she would know that I have lots more yarn than I have socks. I knit 2 pair of socks so far this year. I have three more pair in various states of completion. I cannot possibly knit more than about 30 pairs of socks in a year---and once gardening season starts, my sock production slows down.

The obvious answer, of course, is that I wear them! I wore the pink, burgandy, and tiny orange strips (Xmas yarn from E.) to the office the other day. They were so admired by my assistant, that we had to run out at noon and buy a ball of sock yarn so that she will have an amusement this weekend!

It is only those who do not knit socks who would not realize that sock knitting is cheaper than therapy, and the bonus is that you get some really nice socks too!

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