Monday, November 07, 2005

And the finish line keeps moving...

I returned to my office cube today, after much time "in the field"--which has nothing to do with empty lots--but lots to do with being in the "real world". The stuff was piled 2 1/2 feet high in my chair--phone message light was frantically blinking, and the email folder was brimming.....No finish line in sight here.....

Did finally get the last of all those daffodil bulbs planted last weekend. The bag said 100---I swear they multiplied in there when I walked away. Know I planted many more than 100! Can't wait to see what survives the critters--who have been known to dig up and munch them! Of course, on three acres, another 100 + daffodils will hardly be noticeable.

Not that I am at the finish line yet---as succumbed to another "impulse purchase"--of 30 bulbs ---yet to be planted. If I work fast, I might get them in before the ground freezes solid! They are great---actually repel the deer. Oh, how my gardening has changed! Now it is not about color, height, smell, or my likes. It is only about finishing with things the deer detest and will leave alone!

Will let you know if I ever catch sight of the finish line--either in my garden or at work!

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