Tuesday, March 02, 2010

36 years ago

Today, 36 years ago, 2 was born. Right on time. Exactly on the date. A "brother" that 1 "did not want"--she wanted "just a baby". Always the oldest boy.

A lot has happened in 36 years....more babies, jobs, houses, cars, furniture, pets, trips. Schools, plays, performances, play, work, adolescence, cars, jobs. People who were important links to our past are now gone... grandparents, great aunts and uncles, who 36 years ago were an everyday part of our lives. New people have become an everyday part of his life. 36 years is "forever"-- and just a minute ago.

I got out the pictures from 36 years ago...1 as the only, then the chubby smiley baby--first year documented in snapshots of everyday activities--summer sitting in the grass, in stroller, walker, playpen, with mom, dad, sister....dark hair, dark eyes, chubby baby hands and feet....just yesterday, but a long time ago. He looks the same, but the adult version of that baby.

Now he has his own baby, and sometimes I see a fleeting resemblance. A glimpse into the past, then gone. Because my baby is 36. 36 years is a long time--and it flies by in a minute!! Happy Birthday, 2! Many more!

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