Sunday, November 19, 2006

November Sundays

Are not sunny! Today the weather person said it would be "nice"--a relative term it seems. It is snowing, windy, and only 30 degrees....not exactly my definition of "nice". I had planned to deal with the leaves today in the niceness.....which will not happen in the snow flurries!

I have wasted time on the Internet, ordered stuff I want, but do not need (have been cleaning, so have a little room for new "stuff"), and now must decide on the next project of the day.

Think I should finish the long ago started curtain project for the upstairs front window. 2/3 done--so maybe today is the day for the center panel! The woodpeckers have attacked that part of the house, so a curtain on the window can help me maintain my state of denial that I might have to do something with the woodpeckers! So far, suet has been a good distraction, but there sure are a lot of them! (They must have sent out invitations to all their friends!) Pretty pecking at the feeding stations, but so destructive when trying to rid your house of bugs--they get rid of the bugs, but also the house!!!

Too cold to deal with the woodpecker holes outside!! I would try to convince all that they were trying to nest with us, except that I do not think that woodpeckers are that dumb--and I am pretty sure that there are/were bugs in the cedar at that exact spot!

We just must be a bird magnet out here in the "wild". Just shut out the swifts for good (noisy little chimney dwellers!) and the woodpeckers become pests! As Rosana Rosanadanna would say..."It's always something"!

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