Friday, May 05, 2006

Metro Cool

DC was not cool--at least not temp wise. It was cool in other ways. In just 7 years, there has been much "urban renewal"--much nicer now. Condo's and Cafe's and vibrant neighborhoods...

Still lots of street people, beggars, etc. Hard to see people sleeping in the statues and on the monuments--would think they would be rounded up--but know that isn't easy.

Went to the DAR museum. Learned two new things. "Pudding rings". Interesting. Also the origins of bows on the backs of children's dresses. Walked past the south lawn of the white house. Did the moonlight monuments tour with our group. Kind of fun. Too fast to really see monuments (and dark). Mostly a drive by! Still interesting. If you know where to look, you can see the Kennedy eternal flame from the memorial bridge. Coolest view was from Arlington near the cemetery, where everything lines up...Lincoln, Washington, Capital Hill....Quite pretty at night.

But, best of all was finding jeans that fit--on sale!!

I need to get out more!

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