Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Flip Flops on the Oregon Trail

"They all wear Flip flops"!--Mr. Cp's assessment of the place we are visiting. Perhaps our home climate is wrong, perhaps our friends are just not that "into" flip flops, or perhaps Mr. CP needs to get out more. He honestly observed this footwear preference while on vacation, and found it to be an "unacceptable" oddity.

The city makes him antsy. He had to find some suburbs today.

This city is "nice". Streetcars are free. People walk around on the streets. Most are youngish--20 and 30 somethings. Lots and lots of Tats--another things most of our generation has not embraced. Not little, subtle tats. HUGE, colorful, very visible tats on arms, necks, legs, chests, etc. 1 is right. Laser removal will have its day!

My presentations went "well". This group is a lot like a group attending a wake, and I have been to wakes that are more fun. But at least all I have to do now is sit and listen.

So, although many are wearing various kinds of sandals, Mr. CP has written the natives off as a bunch of urbanized tattooed flip flop wearers. He really does need the suburbs!!!

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