Monday, February 27, 2006

Dutch Girls!

Kid 1 and kid 4 went to France. Somehow they managed not to kill each other--good thing, as that could have gotten complicated with international borders involved. Next time I think each will take along a friend--to dilute the family-ness. Siblings have sibling issues, and in the confines of small European hotel rooms, that can become "interesting".

They brought me stuff. I got some French perfume--smells wonderful, and I am really enjoying it. Also go some chocolate crepes....Interesting, but not something I would want to eat everyday.

I am glad that they managed to share an adventure as adults---maybe there is hope that someday they will be friends like Gma B and her sisters! (or maybe more realistically, half as friends as "the sisters"--they were a tight group!

Oh, and the Dutch thing....Everywhere they went they hid their American-ness well. All thought they were Dutch. Am not sure if that is good for the American image, or perhaps damaging to the Dutch, but at least it gave us a good laugh---incognito in a foreign country without trying!!! Signey Bristo would be proud!

1 comment:

iamthanu said...

Mom, it's Sydney Bristow . . .get it right. Geez . . .