Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What happens when you buy a scratch and dent house....

Two years ago we moved into our "new" house. It wasn't really new, but it was new for us--a departure from the "resalable" suburban homes we have purchased in the past--with room for the kids, a yard, close to schools, etc. Freed of all the constraints, it is finally "all about us"--what we want/need (?) , can afford, and of course, location, location, location.

It started with unusual circumstances coming together at just the right time. It was an opportunity, and we started our search. First with the internet, then, having located the "perfect house", we called the realtor and arranged to see it. The house was very nice--but not quite in the right place. But we liked the realtor, and made a new friend!

The next year (yes a whole year) involved surfing, phoning, touring, etc. with our new found friend. We finally (just like the last house, but that is another story) settled on the "pink house" in what we had determined was the perfect location. It was exactly the same length of commute for both of us, and had good expressway access. Unfortunately, the owners of the pink house (which would not have stayed pink long anyway) felt the house was worth much much more than we were willing to pay. So after numerous offers, we looked at another house in the same neighborhood--cheaper, but a scratch and dent house--more in keeping with our housing history!

We quickly calculated what repairs were going to cost and shot off an offer--which was accepted. So, thus began our journey with our "new" house. It had bats, mice, and a water heater that was leaking--if you can see the potential in that, I guess you can like just about anything. The bats are gone, the mice have been eliminated, and water heater replaced. We also have new paint everywhere (well almost), new countertops in the kitchen, all new appliances, some new furniture, and have settled into what the kids call "Stately Wayne Manor"--living in the middle of nowhere, close enough to a Costco that S. doesn't have withdrawal, and close enough to shopping to keep me happy. Our realtor calls it a "grandma's house", our friends call it a "party house". It is a great house for S. and I--we can each retreat to our own space--and have lots of room to entertain (which we should do more often).

But the BIGGEST project to date has been the replacement of 33 windows! After several estimates, we decided on a famous, nationally known window. We started this process in January--and now 7 months later--we may finish next week when the window parts and installers come for, hopefully, the last time.

Now don't get me wrong--I like the window guys! I spent a whole week with them in February, and another whole day in June--I am just tired of not having the windows done (especially for what they cost!). I love my new windows, but the process has not been what the smiling people in the sales brochure would lead you to believe.

So, if you buy a scratch and dent house, and plan to have "the man" put in the most expensive replacement windows on earth, bring your patience---if your experience is like ours, you will need it!

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