Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hot, Hot, Hot!

I am always too hot! Much of this comes from being my age and female, but I have been too hot now for over a decade. I keep the fan running in my office at work even in the middle of winter--and of course at home the thermostat must be set on the same temperature as the meat locker at the local butcher shop for me to be happy!

I have mentioned that we moved--and left our multiple "famous brand name" ceiling fans behind. The first summer, we were busy with other things. That fall we bought three fans "on clearance"--S. so loves a clearance...and will only use the "famous brand name" ceiling fan--there is a difference! Last summer S. Installed one in my home office, probably after one of my major melt downs--which kept me happy for the summer! Then, last fall (again on clearance) we bought the "mother" of all "famous brand name" ceiling fans--a 62" number that was installed by D. and friend with S's supervision--to suck the air conditioning up into the upstairs (heat rises, and we have an "unbalanced" system!) It has not stopped lazily twirling in our 2 story foyer since!

The fan in our bedroom (installed by the former owner) was small, and somewhat noisy. The moment was right, and we brought home another 62" "famous brand name" fan to install in the cathedral ceiling (which poses it own set of problems). It was a "one more trip to the home improvement store" experience that took twice as long as anticipated. It has been silently spinning around ever since--keeping air moving to take the heat away from my sleeping body. On "lo" it moves more air than the prior model on HI! Ahhhhhh

Since this was such a success (in relative terms), S. decreed that the weekend fun would be to install the other two ceiling fans that I have been dusting the boxes of for over a year now. The rational was that it is easier when the directions (and our lame mistakes) are fresh in our minds.

We started mid-morning. S. had trouble getting the new electrical box up into the attic--there was much expletiving--and whacking away at the drywall with a utility knife. When S. reaches maximum frustration he does this little venting scenario where he shakes and his eyes roll back in his head while he recites every expletive and expletive derivative he has ever herd. We were there! I suggested a break. He said as soon as I get this !@#$%^& box installed.

He reaches up into the ceiling with his left hand--and I see him grab the utility knife with his right. Although when he is in this state, and experience tells me it is best not to make any noise, I could not resist warning him of the impending disaster--"Don't cut toward your"....Too late! Fortunately, during the chipmunk massacre we experimented and found a combination of cleaners that will remove blood from carpeting.

Needless to say, we were off to the emergency room. They have a 30 minute guarantee--to see the doctor, not to be in and out of the place--We return in time for dinner, with S. sporting a large white bandaged finger--determined to get the !@$#%^& fan installed. I helped (although to hear him tell it, I didn't help much), and another trip to the home improvement store was required because the !@$#%^ screws were not long enough because the !@$%#^ joist hanger didn't set right on the drywall...(note, no admission of installer error)....

Sunday went much better--S. was gone, so I took out the old fixture and box, drew the outline of the new box, cut out the drywall, and did the pre-assembly--even vacuumed up the mess. S. was home in time for the "real" action, hanging the thing up. On Sunday, we did not even have to go to the home improvement store at all!! The expletive count was very low. I attribute it to my reading the directions step by step and using logic, not blunt force...

Now we have 5 ceiling fans in our upstairs. If I turn them all on at once, I am afraid that our house might rise up off the foundation like a helicopter--but at least I am not as hot! S. on the other hand, has some healing to do.

1 comment:

iamthanu said...

What?!? I don't get a nod for helping with the ceiling fan in the bedroom. After all that swearing? See if I join the family fun next time!