Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mother Goose has the camera ready!

J. is coming "home"! This in and of itself is "nice"--at least for a short time. He squirms and can't wait to leave--much like his entire life. Difficult, even prenatally, J. was. He was the true test --way beyond the "strong willed child"--and I survived! (So did he, but sometimes I wondered if that part was going to work out....)

Because J. is coming home, Princess quite a lot-M. will also grace us with her presence--also nice, and not frequent enough! (Last time I looked, a plane is not a requirement for her to get here.) It is hard to be "the baby"--with this crew you have to be tough!--That is hard to do when you are so darn cute! In her "real life", as much as she will deny this, I am sure she is still tough and cute!

Of course, Queen of Everything-E, who is here a lot, and definitely "in charge" and "Perfect" D, who is here almost as much, (still parking the cars in little rows) will also be around, because, just like the old days, you have to protect your turf, you have to maintain the pecking order, you don't want to miss something, you have to mess up your mother's house....just like the old days. They are the older, wiser sibs, and know it is not worth it not to make the curtain call.

So, like Mother Goose, herding the chicks, I will have a brief period of "joy"! We will laugh, tell "I forgot I was holding it" stories, make the assorted significant others wonder if we are all crazy and speak another language (because you had to have been there), and if E D J & M spend enough time in one room together, they will revert to the old ways, and I will eventually hear someone shriek "MOMMMMMMM!" ...Just like most of the eighties ! (Except I think they like each other more now.)

I love these encounters with my past. They are brief (thank goodness!) Infrequent (they are thankful), and for me a glorious time to look at them and admire what I have created--something significant and good! My greatest contribution to the world, these four special people!

I will annoy them with my insistence on the "portrait"--just like the old days, but they will not be wearing matching or thematic outfits (which always annoyed them!) They will make even more goofy faces than when they were age 12 and under, laugh, and act under age 12 again, as we try various poses. Eventually I will capture their image satisfactorily for the next in my series of sib pics--all looking good--for me to cherish, as they go off to the lives they are building. They can't appreciate or understand this group picture obsession of mine--they are not parents yet!

A group picture to sit on our desks, the mantle.......To remind me of what I have made, of what a special group they are--all together and individually.

S. will BRAG about each and every one-pointing them out on his desk picture to the people at work, very proud of all they have become, as he relates their accomplishments. (They have no idea how often he does this!) They will smile at me every day in my office, and I will get that warm "fuzzy" feeling each time I glance at them--just like when their infant faces looked up at me from my arms years ago.

J. is coming home!--which is nice. He always was the "huggy one" (probably all that saved him). That THE FOUR will all be here at one time is very special.... For a day or two, I will have the gosling to heard again just like the old days---all together --just like in all the years gone by---and before I am quite ready to give them back to their adult lives, they will be gone!

Thank goodness--I don't think I could last more than three days! But I will enjoy "THE PICTURE" everyday for years to come....and there is always the torment (for the four) of the next photo op to look forward to!

Someday I hope they will be parents too, and then they will understand the group picture obsession and so much more....

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