Yesterday new GS was 11 days old. I can't believe that almost two weeks have past since he entered our lives (and I am sure that his parents have thoughts about this too--although I doubt it has flown by for them!) I had the fortune to be visiting at the hospital, when the post-partum nurse emphasized that it was important for mom to (turning to me!!) have grandma watch the baby so that Mom could get away--even if just to walk to the corner.....and launched into her post-partum depression avoidance "speech".
This grandma works full time--so last weekend offered the "service" so Mom could walk to the corner--offer declined. Offered again this weekend, and it was gleefully accepted.
When I arrived, GS was freshly fed, and I was informed, in "burp" mode. Mom and dad headed off--not to the corner, but to Target. Grandpa Crabby Pants (GCP), recovering from the plague, kept his distance--which I think was fine with him, as he is much more anxious to explain the difference between English and Metric sockets to GS (at a later date) than to participate in "burping". (Although GCP could probably give the kid a few pointers on this topic) GCP took pictures, and attempted to learn how to send them with his blackberry...which was funny, considering his professed techno-savyiness, and limited success--but that is a story for another day.
GS, of course, wonderful. And amazingly, I did not need a hazzmat suit to handle this little one (unlike my memories of my own children!) He does not spit up, projectile vomit, and did not leak while I was his caregiver. This kid is a piece of cake!!!
GS and I cuddled, danced, swayed, got dressed, swaddled, talked, posed for pictures, snuggled, looked out the window, re-swaddled, walked and rocked. (On the advice of my children, we did not sing...)Finally, we burped (although I think it was more accidental than deliberate.) Of course, the one thing he wanted more than anything was away at the Target--and I empathized while he grumbled a little.
Just as Mom and Dad pulled into the drive, he stopped fighting it, and drifted off to sleep. A deep, contented, I am secure, full, comfy, and all is right with my world, baby sleep. Mom and dad returned triumphantly with a baby swing and a papoose pack--because as the parents, they must get other things done (like sleep and laundry) and they (unlike grandmothers) do not feel that they can hold the little munchkin 24/7. And in their defense, and the defense of parents everywhere, neither did grandmothers when they were the mom..but we can now, and do, and will continue to do so, because we get the chance to, and of course get to go home and sleep!
We took Dad to dinner, and brought back a turkey avocado sandwich for mom at her request---GS was still soundly sleeping---a full two hours! Mom could not believe it,and had just performed the "mirror under the nostrils test"---to make sure he was still breathing!!!
Mom marveled at the "soundly sleeping", and thinks that I should be there at midnight!!! I was thrilled that babies are still "low tech", and that my data bank was intact and still useful after all these years!
And apparently, GS feels dealing with your grandmother is exhausting!!!
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