We live on three acres in a area of sparse population--just off the road to nowhere. Yet is amazes me how many people end up driving up my private driveway to ask for directions!
If you get off the freeway, and head north, hoping to find something, you will travel several miles, and realize that you have made a wrong turn somewhere---except that you haven't---this is all that is here!! The road winds and turns, goes up hill and down, so I suppose it is a little disorientating to those who have no sense of direction! They end up going east, when they think they are going north---because there is a tendency to stay on the paved road.
Which I suppose is why, when they finally see a paved side road that looks like it is inhabited, they slow down and turn---then choose the first driveway---Or there is some sort of invisible (to me) "travelers aide" sign pointing right to our house!!
We have had people show up with flat tires. We have had people show up looking for a park. We have had people who were just hopelessly lost.... all of them "older" women, in upscale cars. They ring my doorbell, and assume I am not an ax murder, sex offender, or other ominous type. They want directions, or for me to call a tow truck.
I am not originally a "country" girl. I grew up in an area where you did not go to "strange" people houses, for any reason---let alone a house in the middle of nowhere. What are these people thinking?
They could go back the way they came--and start over. They could get a GPS (last one had a Cadillac for goodness sake!). They could try map quest or google maps. They could get directions before they leave home. They could keep going and hope to find civilization. They could use their cell phones to call someone for directions, or get a cell phone like mine, where I can pinpoint my exact location on google maps on the phone!!.....But instead, when they get lost, they end up in my driveway!
Maybe when I retire, I will get some exterior plywood, and make a little roadside stand to put out down near the road---and be like Lucy Van Pelt, "Directions, 25 cents"!
Apparently although I can identify the specific cars parked in my driveway on a satellite map, there is still the need for someone who can point down the road, and say--go that way until you get to the end of the road, and turn right!
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