Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Auntie L2, sister of Auntie L of the slippery pants, died this week. She was 94. They went down in order, "the 5". I., too young, H. at 83, T. was 92+, Auntie L of the slippery pants was 96+. Time was on most of their sides! 90 anything is a long life! Most of the time, for most of them, it was good, or they made it good enough.

It is not sad that Auntie L2 died. She was not well. It is a relief. On many levels for many reasons...

"The 5" were each characters in my life, each with different meanings, each with different lessons, each with a different relationship. Auntie L2 was 4th on my list--but only most likely because I. died before I was born--she probably deserved 5th place in the sisters rating. She would hate this if she knew it!

The difference was as follows:
I. had no lemons. They were too poor for something that frivolous--really. She instead raised 9 of the most caring children who are an "amazing" "family" to this day---they really know what the word means!

H. would get a lemon on sale after careful shopping. She would plant the seeds, to patiently grow lemon trees, grate and store the zest, compost the rind, use half of the lemon for lemonade, and keep the rest to add interest to other recipes she made over the next several days. We would all get lemons over the life of the tree.

T. would make her lemon into a beautiful meringue pie, and delight in it, sharing it with family and friends. She would have copied the recipe, and pass it out to those who liked the pie.

Auntie L of the slippery pants would have enjoyed T's pie, make some fresh lemonade to enjoy, and served a wedge as a garnish with the dinner entree on a pretty plate.

Auntie L2 would have been upset that the lemon wasn't an orange, she would have spit the seeds at someone or something, or maybe squirted the juice into some one's eye--pretending it was accidental. She would have eaten the lemon fruit--enjoying the sour face it produced. She would have voiced her opinion of the size of the lemon, the meatiness, the freshness, and the shape. She then would have announced that she always gets the best lemons, because she is special! She will proclaim to anyone who will listen (or pretend to listen) that her lemons are bigger, shiner, more lemony, and better than anyone else's lemons!

So, that is the way it was......I miss each of them differently. Each of them, with their personalities, quirks, life lessons, and responses to things taught me how to live---so that when I get to 90 something, I will have something to talk about!! My memories of "the 5" and some advice on what to do with your lemons!

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