Friday, November 24, 2006

The "M" bomb

We had a delightful time in the sun and warmth (to us--the natives were bundled up like it was going to blizzard any second) of Florida. Nice flight, o.k. rental car, good food, family, fun, nice resort, etc. At brunch, Mr. CP could not "wait" any longer, as he later explained "I could not leave Florida without asking". So between the sips of coffee from the enormous "bowl"of coffee, and the last nibbles of toast and Jam, Mr. CP says, "So, when are you getting married?"--and pulls out his blackberry, poised to note a date, and in the awkward silence (with minds on both sides of the table whirring to think of what to say next...) he adds, I need to plan ahead, you know! He never got an answer......stay tuned (maybe for quite some time) to see how this plays out!

In the mean time, E, mother of M2 (my M2, not E1's -M2) is aghast at an emailed picture showing J's family--that M2 is in---she did not take this well, obviously, as she brought it up at dinner, and it seemed a "thorny" issue. She doesn't know that this years Thanksgiving picture at D's also included P, who is almost family anyway in a different sort of way. We are like that.

So we had a delightful Thanksgiving--and saw all of "the four" on the same day, just miles apart. Go to reset myself with some sun--hope it lasts until we see it again here--and Mr. CP did O.K., despite the need to walk places--tired, but made the trek. He is not yet 100%, and it is good that he is reminded once in awhile! We got back in time for some "leftovers" at D's--turkey, stuffing, bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pie....yum. Sorry(?) that we had to pass on the Curry Goat due to the airline schedules, but I am sure it would have been interesting, if not delightful. Sorry, but I am not interested in the squid.

If J and M ever answer Mr. CP's question, there may be celebratory Curry Goat for all! (and I am sure Squid for those who would appreciate it!)

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