Friday, November 24, 2006

Close calls

Today, after overcoming holiday exhaustion, we ventured out, mostly to get lunch. After eating breakfast for lunch, Mr. CP decided that we should go to Costco. He decided to pull out of the parking lot, turning left into the impossibly heavy traffic--but he has POWER! Saw his opening, gunned it, and OH MY GOSH (not his actual words) there was another impatient person turning left from the gas station at exactly the same time--and they we both headed top-speed for the same exact pavement!!! Close call 1.

Later, same day, ventured out again for Pizza and to look at TVs (much Internet research had been done in the mean time, while I took a much deserved nap!) Around the bend, were THREE deer behinds--right there in the road as we came around the curve. Thankful today for stability control. Close call 2. Would have been extra hard to explain how we hit three deer with the same car on the same side on the same road as just a few months ago!

Too much motoring excitement for one day!

The "M" bomb

We had a delightful time in the sun and warmth (to us--the natives were bundled up like it was going to blizzard any second) of Florida. Nice flight, o.k. rental car, good food, family, fun, nice resort, etc. At brunch, Mr. CP could not "wait" any longer, as he later explained "I could not leave Florida without asking". So between the sips of coffee from the enormous "bowl"of coffee, and the last nibbles of toast and Jam, Mr. CP says, "So, when are you getting married?"--and pulls out his blackberry, poised to note a date, and in the awkward silence (with minds on both sides of the table whirring to think of what to say next...) he adds, I need to plan ahead, you know! He never got an answer......stay tuned (maybe for quite some time) to see how this plays out!

In the mean time, E, mother of M2 (my M2, not E1's -M2) is aghast at an emailed picture showing J's family--that M2 is in---she did not take this well, obviously, as she brought it up at dinner, and it seemed a "thorny" issue. She doesn't know that this years Thanksgiving picture at D's also included P, who is almost family anyway in a different sort of way. We are like that.

So we had a delightful Thanksgiving--and saw all of "the four" on the same day, just miles apart. Go to reset myself with some sun--hope it lasts until we see it again here--and Mr. CP did O.K., despite the need to walk places--tired, but made the trek. He is not yet 100%, and it is good that he is reminded once in awhile! We got back in time for some "leftovers" at D's--turkey, stuffing, bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pie....yum. Sorry(?) that we had to pass on the Curry Goat due to the airline schedules, but I am sure it would have been interesting, if not delightful. Sorry, but I am not interested in the squid.

If J and M ever answer Mr. CP's question, there may be celebratory Curry Goat for all! (and I am sure Squid for those who would appreciate it!)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

November Sundays

Are not sunny! Today the weather person said it would be "nice"--a relative term it seems. It is snowing, windy, and only 30 degrees....not exactly my definition of "nice". I had planned to deal with the leaves today in the niceness.....which will not happen in the snow flurries!

I have wasted time on the Internet, ordered stuff I want, but do not need (have been cleaning, so have a little room for new "stuff"), and now must decide on the next project of the day.

Think I should finish the long ago started curtain project for the upstairs front window. 2/3 done--so maybe today is the day for the center panel! The woodpeckers have attacked that part of the house, so a curtain on the window can help me maintain my state of denial that I might have to do something with the woodpeckers! So far, suet has been a good distraction, but there sure are a lot of them! (They must have sent out invitations to all their friends!) Pretty pecking at the feeding stations, but so destructive when trying to rid your house of bugs--they get rid of the bugs, but also the house!!!

Too cold to deal with the woodpecker holes outside!! I would try to convince all that they were trying to nest with us, except that I do not think that woodpeckers are that dumb--and I am pretty sure that there are/were bugs in the cedar at that exact spot!

We just must be a bird magnet out here in the "wild". Just shut out the swifts for good (noisy little chimney dwellers!) and the woodpeckers become pests! As Rosana Rosanadanna would say..."It's always something"!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Friends and acquaintances

Today was a day with a good friend (from forever--we met in Jr. High), visiting an Herb farm, having a delightful lunch, and antiquing--funny how much of my youth is now in "antique" stores (or maybe not so funny!). Anyway, we had fun.

Tonight I joined my acquaintances for knitting. Another fun time as we admired sock yarn (ummm, silk), chatted about various yarn shops, admired each others projects, nieces (pictures), and talked about "stuff". One of the knitters just joined E (matchmaker service), so we all offered to sit discretely in the corner of the public place should she decide to meet with one of the three gentlemen who have indicated interest...Interesting to discuss "senior citizen" dating!!! Usually talk to (or hear from) daters half her age!!!

It is nice to have both in your life--lifelong friends, and acquaintances that you share an interest with (the knitting, not the dating).

Monday, November 06, 2006

It Shouldn't Cost More Than a Luxury Car...

To put a roof on your house! We are in the beginning stages of a new roof--no leaks, just time to begin the process of replacement BEFORE it leaks!

Had the metal roof guys out. Catchy jingle. Good product. EXPENSIVE. We expected it to be More---but not that much more. Could by a luxury car for less! I don't have enough years left for their "lifetime" guarantee. Can put four "regular" roofs on for the price--and still have a little change left. Besides, I won't be living here for 4 roofs worth...Maybe 2!

Metal roofs are cool. Very durable. Energy efficient. Hugely overpriced.

Onward with the inadequate, designed for failure, "regular" singles.

They don't make stuff like they used to!