Saturday, June 10, 2006

Deana and Gerard

Live next door to 4. They moved in on their wedding day in 1956--50 years ago. We met them yesterday as we helped 4 start to move in and "fix" things. Deana had on the cutest little house dress, flowered, a little lace collar, pearl buttons and neatly pressed. Of course, she had an apron on to keep it clean. She was hanging out the wash. Gerard (you could call me Jerry, but I really don't like that name) was "puttering". He had embraced a more trendy fashion style, in cap, t-shirt and athletic shorts--a somewhat humorous outfit for someone his age, but perhaps cast offs from a college age grandson.

They had been friends of their neighbors, Helen and Leo. It will always be Helen and Leo's house to them. Deana pointed out what a great house it would be for 4..not too big to clean. I don't think that was one of the selection criteria, but 4 smiled and nodded. (She is very good with the elderly). They assumed she had a husband--she found that "cute".

After the intro's all around, and enough social conversation to convince them that the new neighbor was "worthy", they told 4 to come over if she needed any help. We were actually thinking the opposite.

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