Sunday, November 20, 2005


Much effort over the last two weekends has gone into the "revitalizing" of the hardwood floor in the kitchen. We bought the house three years ago, and this is the first time I have lavished tender loving care on the kitchen floor. Until now it has been vacuumed, swept, spot wiped, and only seriously washed once. Its luster was gone!

Thanks to a bargain clearance item, I was equipped with the "floor revitalization" system--cleaners, wipes, mop, mopheads, "revitalization"--took awhile, but it is beautiful!! Reflects the sunlight, "glows" in the moonlight, looks rich, and "hardwoody". Truly fitting for stately Wayne Manor!

Now everyone is out to sandpaper my sheen....The cat with his litter tracking, the S. with his garage tracking, the Z. with all kinds of outdoor tracking, little bugs that have grit on their little feet---a vast conspiracy by all who did not slave to achieve the sheen!

I sweep twice a day--where does all this gritty stuff come from? How long can I hold the line on the particles determined to wear away the shine? How long will I care?

Think I know why three years went by without caring much about the floor--it is high maintenance---and even harder to be motivated to care enough to drag out the vacuum cleaner every hour on the hour!

It will be nice while it lasts!

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