Wednesday, February 11, 2015

On time, and if they only would sell yarn...

I when I worked, I had a boss who would send messages to all the staff on the day before a holiday around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.  These messages would be about spending TIME  with loved ones, or honoring vets, or whatever was appropriate for the season.  The messages were code for "you can leave now"!

He used to just announce that, but that got him into a lot of trouble, thus the secret code!  Everyone would await the message with great anticipation.  It was a small gift.

The greatest thing so far about being retired is the time---to sleep late, to vacuum for an hour if you want to, to knit, to spin, to bake cookies, to clean something, to read or watch a movie!  To seek out new groups to be apart of, who share your interests.  Time to research stuff on the internet.  Time to do something, or do nothing.   Time to do anything that strikes your fancy--lots of unstructured time to do with as you please.  Work, or projects, can expand infinately into this new found time!  It is such a novelty!

I love getting up when it is "time", and deciding what to do that day.  Somedays, I tackle a lot, some days, not so much, as there is always tomorrow.  After all the years of structure, deadlines, planning, appointments, etc.,  I am loving the new pace of "what do I feel like doing today."  I am finding that one event or committment a week is a good pace---just enough.  I am being selfish with my new-found time!

Of course, it helps that Mr. CP still goes to work everyday---but I think it will be easy to train him in my new time management method once he retires.  I will just have to go to Costco more often than I might go on my own, as it is his favorite hobby...

if they only sold yarn, we would be all set!