Saturday, July 03, 2010


It is already July.  Never mind that last January we could not wait for 90 degrees.  I am not ready.  The summer is fleeting--too fast.   Just like the weeds that are growing out of control, so is my "to do" list!! 

Yesterday, a very welcome day off, was wonderful.   I finished a baby gift--for a baby born last November.   Good thing it is not size specific!!!!   I cleaned up a few of my closet shelves, finding my summer tanks.  I put some stuff away.  I enjoyed the distractions as they presented themselves---even though I had a list, it was downstairs, and I was I could rationalize the ADD-ness of "rolling" through the day!!

Today, I started on the weeds around the air conditioner.   There are not many....but it is always sunny there.  I had good intentions.  Got up early.  Then there was the shawl that I needed to "tink" (unknit)  earlier this week--begging me to be put back in order.  There was breakfast, getting dressed, and next thing I knew, I was in my sewing room, whipping up little projects for Florida baby----until it got complicated, and I remembered my promise to the weeds.

I got out all my "stuff". Put on my "gear"--sun glasses, sun screen, hat, gloves----and headed toward the side of the house where the offending weeds surround the air conditioner.....but first, I should trim these branches, then I need to cut back this ornamental, and I should bag up these weeds from last week that I pulled, but left on the patio---just in case we are hosting some fire works tomorrow that I am not aware of.  And, OH my!!  there are branches from the apple tree nearly touching the ground.  

Now I have to go back to resupply my refuse bags.  I finally arrive at the air conditioner---took about an hour and a half to wander the 100 feet to the location.  I manage to get the offending ornamental grass whacked back so the condenser can get some air (would like to meet the person that thought that this stuff was a good idea for this side of the house!!)  I pull a few weeds--the easy ones.   I grab handfuls of the dead grass from last season that somehow (?) we never got around to burning--either in the fall or the spring.  Now I need another bag. 

It is now noon.  HOT.  And I decide to take a break.   In another hour, I will make myself go back out there---honest!  If I can focus on the weed removal and spread the new bark just around the air conditioner, I can cross something off the list!!!

Of course, while I am sitting here enjoying the air conditioner, I have added a few more items to "the list"-----it is going to be a long summer!!!   Fortunately, it doesn't really matter that I am totally at the mercy of ADD when it comes to my to do list---I have found that the jobs are still waiting for me when I get back around to them!!!