GS has is two months old. Seems like he has been here forever! We did the first formal portraits--a formal capture of his baby-self while still "tiny". "Documenting" , as my own children are so fond of saying....
84 poses--multiple backgrounds, outfits, lighting, special effects. It could have been a Hollywood starlet---he was somewhat baffled, puzzled, surprised, and occasionally amused by the whole thing. The poses are amusing, tilting, cute, adorable, handsome, and funny.
The most amazing thing is the many "looks" of GS! In one he looks just like his maternal grandfather, in another like his paternal grandpa. In one he reminds me of his great grandfather. A few have hints of "mom", a couple look like he is my son's son----but mostly he looks like himself! An interesting blend of the DNA of his ancestors, yet uniquely him.
So another generation is added to my collection of moments captured to enjoy. Documenting...because once the day is gone, it will be gone forever, except in memories and the pictures...84 precious poses---priceless!!