Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What's that in my belfry?

I first noticed it last Friday (now it is Tuesday). I didn't have my contacts in and it was dark... It was lurking in the space behind the headboard (created because I needed some variety and like the reassurance of a wall near my bed)...Looked like a big ball of cat fur...Perhaps blown there by the ceiling fan! Too busy (too tired) to care, I ignored it. I did keep my eye on it over the weekend. It didn't move (thank goodness), but probably wasn't a blowing tumbleweed of cat hair. Could be a horked up fur ball (darn-it, going to be hard to reach!) Closer (not too close) looks determined that it might be one of those furry mice that I bring home from the pet store for the cat to fling under the furniture and appliances...It is a long reach back there.

Then, (I think it was Sunday night) the light (on a timer) happens to be on, and I notice it has "eyes"--unlike the furry harmless mice-a-likes or any type of fur ball emanating from the cat!...But it still hasn't moved. I am going to have to do something about it---soon. Next morning, I notice the legs--at least I think they are legs--stubby things sticking out the back--too big for a bug (and not moving thank goodness), I make up my mind that somehow a dead bat is lurking just beyond my head each night!! (Yikes!) How did it get there? Where is the security breach? How did no one notice if bats were about? Is this akin to the horses heads in bed? (double yikes!)

So, this morning, I peek again--yep, the eyes, legs--not a cat toy--still cozied up to the baseboard! Come to think of it the cat moved out about 5 weeks ago, taking up residence in the guest room. I thought it was the air conditioning---but maybe I'll be joining him. Maybe this is some weird thing from some of those country's S. visits that has crawled out of his suitcase, missed by the customs inspectors --even more unpalatable than the bat idea! I am really going to have to do something!

After work, I procrastinate by heating left overs, reading the paper, sorting the mail and surfing the internet until eventually I have to face that fact that I have to go upstairs and deal with the not moving, lurking thing with eyes and short legs that could be a foreign bat-like disgusting thing--that could maybe spring to life (after all this time of not moving?) behind the headboard of the bed I have to sleep in tonight. I get my trusty "recycled" target bag from the dispenser (strong) and the long reach tool left from some elderly relatives hip surgery (so they could pick up things off the floor and put on their socks without bending over)--and I get up the courage to confront this monster behind the head of my bed.

By taking off all the pillows, reaching through the bars (brass-like bed), I can get into position to grab the "thing" with the pincher pole, and whisk it into the target bag--quickly in case it has been playing possum for 5 days! As the "grip" moves into place, I sense that it is "crunchy"--so it is either an ominous foreign toxic morphing ready-to-come-to-life thing (I have seen the pod people movie!)--or a very, very, very, dead bat (How could I not have seen this all this time?) It is in my clutches and into the bag in a flash, withdrawn from the space without a trace!

I peer into the bag--have no idea what it is. Not a bat (or at least I don't think so, based on the bat bodies I found when we first moved here). Not a bug--and thankfully not alive!! It looks like a decomposing frog!! (No wonder the cat moved out!)

So I put away my extradition equipment, and save the bag to ask some expert (like 7 year old Z) what they think it is.--But it is staying in the garage, and I still have no idea how it got into my bedroom--although the suitcase is looking more and more suspect!!

Interestingly, the entombing bag was barely tucked into the garage, when the cat saunters back into the master bedroom--on alert. After a sweep of the bed and pillows, he settled into his old favorite spot! Apparently whatever it was/is, the cat wanted no part of it--and neither do I, really. I just want to know how it got there, so I can prevent a recurrence.

Somehow, I can't help but think that somehow S. is behind this---he took down all the lights in the closet to clean them and get new bulbs--which required a trip to the depot, leaving the ceiling, exposed, unattended for long enough for this something to find it's way through those tiny holes!! Why do I have to be the one to discover, monitor, and dispose of the thing---when S probably smuggled it in from Mexico in his suitcase? It is difficult to be the director of homeland security here!

The happy ending (for me and the cat) is that it showed no signs of life.....Whatever it is. Downside is that maybe I need look harder for a cleaning lady--a brave one!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's a guy thing

Tonight E, S, and I went out to do some things. We took the blue bullet--a low, rumbly sporty vehicle that makes S's heart jump for joy. I find it hard to get into-almost impossible to swing the door shut, and the seat "pinchy". I mostly try to get through the noisy fast rides by creating a semi catatonic state, breathing deeply, and concentrating on keeping my feet off my imaginary peddles!--hoping to avoid whiplash in the curves.

As we zipped up the road not far from out house, a hand shot out of the passenger side of an on-coming car--and greeted us with the universal "one finger" salute. As I was concentrating (zen-like) on the center line to keep from getting nauseous, I knew there had been no lane violation! I commented on the rudeness. S said--he is jealous--knows I can beat his hunk of junk! (guys!)

A few miles later, another guy in a flashy yellow performance car waved. I said--Know him? S: No, but it is like motorcyclists--we greet each other. Nice to know, I thought, should I ever be the one behind the tinted windows in this thing! Who knew that there was a whole brotherhood with secret (well, not so secret) hand signals based on owning a car that fulfills some testosterone based need for power and speed.

No wonder women don't understand men--we don't judge other women based on their SUV!! We also are too busy talking on our cell phones to bother with hand signals!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mother Goose has the camera ready!

J. is coming "home"! This in and of itself is "nice"--at least for a short time. He squirms and can't wait to leave--much like his entire life. Difficult, even prenatally, J. was. He was the true test --way beyond the "strong willed child"--and I survived! (So did he, but sometimes I wondered if that part was going to work out....)

Because J. is coming home, Princess quite a lot-M. will also grace us with her presence--also nice, and not frequent enough! (Last time I looked, a plane is not a requirement for her to get here.) It is hard to be "the baby"--with this crew you have to be tough!--That is hard to do when you are so darn cute! In her "real life", as much as she will deny this, I am sure she is still tough and cute!

Of course, Queen of Everything-E, who is here a lot, and definitely "in charge" and "Perfect" D, who is here almost as much, (still parking the cars in little rows) will also be around, because, just like the old days, you have to protect your turf, you have to maintain the pecking order, you don't want to miss something, you have to mess up your mother's house....just like the old days. They are the older, wiser sibs, and know it is not worth it not to make the curtain call.

So, like Mother Goose, herding the chicks, I will have a brief period of "joy"! We will laugh, tell "I forgot I was holding it" stories, make the assorted significant others wonder if we are all crazy and speak another language (because you had to have been there), and if E D J & M spend enough time in one room together, they will revert to the old ways, and I will eventually hear someone shriek "MOMMMMMMM!" ...Just like most of the eighties ! (Except I think they like each other more now.)

I love these encounters with my past. They are brief (thank goodness!) Infrequent (they are thankful), and for me a glorious time to look at them and admire what I have created--something significant and good! My greatest contribution to the world, these four special people!

I will annoy them with my insistence on the "portrait"--just like the old days, but they will not be wearing matching or thematic outfits (which always annoyed them!) They will make even more goofy faces than when they were age 12 and under, laugh, and act under age 12 again, as we try various poses. Eventually I will capture their image satisfactorily for the next in my series of sib pics--all looking good--for me to cherish, as they go off to the lives they are building. They can't appreciate or understand this group picture obsession of mine--they are not parents yet!

A group picture to sit on our desks, the mantle.......To remind me of what I have made, of what a special group they are--all together and individually.

S. will BRAG about each and every one-pointing them out on his desk picture to the people at work, very proud of all they have become, as he relates their accomplishments. (They have no idea how often he does this!) They will smile at me every day in my office, and I will get that warm "fuzzy" feeling each time I glance at them--just like when their infant faces looked up at me from my arms years ago.

J. is coming home!--which is nice. He always was the "huggy one" (probably all that saved him). That THE FOUR will all be here at one time is very special.... For a day or two, I will have the gosling to heard again just like the old days---all together --just like in all the years gone by---and before I am quite ready to give them back to their adult lives, they will be gone!

Thank goodness--I don't think I could last more than three days! But I will enjoy "THE PICTURE" everyday for years to come....and there is always the torment (for the four) of the next photo op to look forward to!

Someday I hope they will be parents too, and then they will understand the group picture obsession and so much more....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Birthday Cakes and Mortality

I must remember to take the 1/2 sheet cake into the office tomorrow. It is the Birthday celebration for those with recent birthdays at our office who have managed to live another year. It is not that I begrudge them this accomplishment, but it is going to be a hassle to get this thing there with the frosting intact if we have another unusually hot summer morning like the last week has been!

The frosting is very important--as each month is compared to the last. My birthday party group is a "minimalist" group--it is summer! There are three of us (the committee), and five of them (BD people). We will limit our menu and festivities to cake--thus the centerpiece of the event should probably not be crushed or melted.

Last week someone I attended high school with died. Not just someone--but someone I sat next to for four years back then. Not just died--had a heart attack while driving home. Just doing what he did everyday. No illness, no terrible prolonged suffering, no time to plan. That is not supposed to happen to someone who is as "young" as I am! It is sad.

Coincidently, both of these events (birthday focus and death of a peer) occur in the same week that I met with my "investments advisor"--to discuss the ridiculous amount of money that I must save to be able to retire sometime before I turn 80 years old! Now it is not that I haven't already saved money--and have amassed far more than I thought I would be able to--but it is never apparently "enough".

I receive statements periodically from social security saying what I will get once I reach age 67--the minimum retirement age for my birth year! I look at the dollars, and think--wow!, then realize that in 10 years, this won't be much. I also am not entirely convinced that the government can be trusted to make good on this promise of dollars that they dangle before me periodically. I will have a pension, 401 K, 457 plan, etc. Still, I wonder if I will need to reduce my spending on yarn and other pursuits of pleasure? What good is having all the free time in the world, if you can't afford it?

So, I will write myself a note not to forget the cake. I will continue to save money for the day when I can sleep in, knit with Katie and Matt (they are younger, so should still be there in the morning), and make trips to the garden center to buy plants for my garden so the deer will continue to visit my salad bar! I hope that, unlike my high school friend, that I will have years to enjoy it.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Baby socks!

So I have decided to get "with it" and be a blogger! Figured that it might be useful for adding to my "hipness", or at least to allow me to vent about the goofy and frustrating things that happen in my life. I have no idea why anyone would care, but perhaps it is "therapy" without the cost!

So, if you are the one of those people who have nothing better to do than to randomly read other people's blogs, I will try not to be any more boring than a middle aged knitter with a cat (thus the name of the blog) should be.

So, back to the baby socks--my current frustration! Who knew that while I was busy raising my kids to adulthood, someone decided that all infants should look like mini-rock stars in skimpy clothing, who let it all hang out?

Personally, I have a huge fondness for little girls in pink "Polly Flinders" dresses--and apparently I am the only one on the planet who thinks this is still what baby girls should be dressed in--except designer Ralph Lauren (Thank goodness!!).

I had not spent much time looking at or thinking about baby girl clothes until recently when one of my high school friends became a grandmother! So, I was searching for the appropriate gift for the new baby (trying very hard to suppress the grandmother lust raging within). Much looking finally located an adorable (if not outrageously priced for the tiny item that it is--but thankfully was "on sale") Ralph Lauren "outfit"--"Polly Flinders" enough to be acceptable in the requisite pink--with a white onesie in a size that will probably fit when the season is appropriate... but the perfect gift purchase created my need for the socks! (after all if it is cool enough to wear this jumper/long sleeve onesie outfit, it is too cold for bare feet, not to mention that I am not sure that bare feet go with extensive smocking!)

I searched multiple retail outlets specializing in baby items, and /or socks. Apparently there is not a single pair of ruffled white or pink anklets for an infant in the Midwest!! I finally settled on a pair of tights (sorry, baby, but I guess the training for the panty hose might as well start early) and some rather "athletic" looking anklets in pink--the best I could do! At least her feel won't be blue (unless the tights are too tight) and perhaps the tights will keep some of the skin on her knees as she begins to crawl!

I guess that I should start now to knit feminine socks for future granddaughters, because apparently the only chance to purchase some is during the brief pre-Easter shopping season that occurs about a day and a half after the Christmas holiday shopping ends!! Knitting socks is one of my current obsessions, but have not ventured into "kid socks" yet.

So, the question of the day is, why has everyone else lost their minds by creating mini-hooker-esk clothing for 3 month old babies? Who really needs to have their daughter, let alone their infant, look like a mini-slut?
Do these people know how miserable their lives will be when the baby reaches age 15? (been there and got that t-shirt, thanks!!)

Maybe it is a good thing that I am only at the "grandmother lust" stage, as I would have to begin my own line of "girly" clothes if I actually had some grandchildren who were girls. I can only hope that the Little House on the prairie looks is "in" if and when that day comes! --I am a real sucker for the matching bonnets!!